Sunday, October 21, 2007

Brasstown Bald Beauty

We headed out early Saturday 20 Oct to Brasstown Bald. We had never been there and it was suppose to be a lovely day temp wise and I had hoped some color would be out. When we go further up Hwy 129, my hopes were more than I could have wanted. This was taken standing down in the parking lot looking up to the top of the mountain. This is suppose to be the tallest spot in Ga.
Wonderful colors bathed the trees and shrubs

The winding roads were fun. There were a lot of cars as well as motorcycles going up and down the road. It was a perfect day for it.

It is nice finding paths to follow when they look like this

This was a small creek we paused at on the side of the road. We ate a snack and just enjoyed the sights, sounds and watching the people drive by us. Get out and see the world around you. There are many parks and hiking places to take your family and pets. Make memories and live.

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